Handel > Markten > FTX Token



FTT Prijs Live Gegevens

De actuele prijs van FTX Token bedraagt vandaag $ -- (FTT/USDT), met een actuele marktkapitalisatie van $ --. Het 24-uurs handelsvolume is $ --, een verandering van 0.00% vergeleken met een dag geleden. De FTT naar USDT koers wordt real-time bijgewerkt. De prijsontwikkeling van FTT in de afgelopen 24 uur is 0.00%. De circulerende voorraad van deze munt is 328.89M USDT.
De hoogste prijs ooit voor FTX Token is $-, geregistreerd op - (bijna -). De huidige prijs is - - lager dan het record.
De laagste prijs ooit voor FTX Token is $-, geregistreerd op - (bijna -). De huidige prijs is - - hoger dan het dieptepunt.

FTT Marktinformatie





24-uurs handelsvolume


Circulerend Aanbod



FTT is de native cryptocurrency-token van het cryptoderivatenhandelsplatform FTX dat op 8 mei 2019 werd gelanceerd. Op 11 november 2022 diende FTX een aanvraag in voor Chapter 11-faillissementbescherming in de VS en ondergaat momenteel procedures. Sommige van de onderstaande informatie weerspiegelt mogelijk niet de huidige stand van zaken van de FTX-beurs, wees voorzichtig bij interactie met de FTT-token. Het team achter FTX bestaat uit enkele van de grootste cryptohandelaren van de afgelopen jaren die, nadat ze problemen hadden ondervonden met de meeste reguliere cryptofuturesbeurzen, besloten hun eigen platform te lanceren. FTX beweert dat het opvalt door functies als clawback-preventie, een gecentraliseerde collateral pool en universele stablecoin-afwikkeling. FTX is een gecentraliseerde cryptobeurs die in 2019 door Sam Bankman-Fried werd gelanceerd en wordt gesteund door belangrijke handelsbedrijven in de sector, waaronder Almeda Research, OTPP, Temasek, BlackRock, Coinbase Ventures en Sequoia Capital. In 2022 had het platform meer dan een miljoen geregistreerde leden en bedroeg het dagelijkse handelsvolume miljarden dollars.


  • What is FTT?

    FTT is a native cryptocurrency token for the crypto derivatives platform FTX, which launched on May 8, 2019 FTX has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. on November 11, 2022. The proceedings are currently underway. Please proceed with caution if you are interacting with FTT tokens. Some of the below information may not reflect current standings for the FTX Exchange.
    The team behind FTX is made up of some of the biggest crypto traders in the past few decades who decided to create their own platform after finding problems with the majority mainstream crypto futures platforms. FTX says it is unique because of features like clawback prevention, a centralized collegue pool, and universal stablecoin payment. FTX, a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, was launched in 2019 by Sam Bankman Fried. It is backed by major trading companies, such as Almeda Research and OTPP. By 2022, there will be over one million members registered on the platform, with a daily trading volume of billions of dollars.
    Socialized losses have claimed a large amount of funds from customers on other derivatives exchanges in regards to clawback. FTX uses a liquidation model with three levels to reduce this.
    Existing crypto futures exchanges fragment the collateral across multiple token wallets. This can make it difficult for traders to liquidate their positions, as this prevents them from doing so. FTX derivatives, on the other hand are stablecoin settled and require only one universal margin wallet.
    Leveraged tokens are another feature of FTT, which allows traders to take leveraged positions without having to use margin. A trader who wants to short Bitcoin at 3x leverage can buy a 3x Bitcoin leveraged token from FTX. These tokens can be listed at any exchange that supports , ERC20. FTX offers XRP and BNB leveraged tokens, as well as BTC, ETH EOS USDT, TRX BTC, TRX BNB.
    The FTX Exchange launched the FTT token a year after it was founded. The FTT coin, ERC-20 is a standard token actively used by ecosystem members.
  • How to buy FTT

    To buy FTT, you can follow these general steps:

    1. Choose a cryptocurrency exchange and Create an Account
    Start by selecting a reputable and reliable cryptocurrency platform that supports FTT trading. You can also buy FTT here on Toobit. Sign up.

    2. Complete Verification (Not Mandatory):
    Read our How to Complete Identification on Toobit guide for more information.

    3. Deposit Funds:
    Deposit funds into your Toobit account. This could be done via credit/debit cards, or your crypto wallet.

    4. Navigate to FTT:
    Once your account is funded, navigate to the Markets section of the platform.

    5. Buy FTT:
    Locate FTT in the list of available cryptocurrencies.
    Place a buy order. Read our How to Buy Crypto on Toobit guide for more information.
  • How to Sell FTT?

    You can sell FTT to USDT here on Toobit. Read our guide on How to Trade Spot on Toobit for more information.
  • What is FTT price Now?

    Are you looking for FTT Price? Live FTT price is updated in real-time on Toobit.
  • How to Withdraw FTT on Toobit?

    You can withdraw FTT and other crypto tokens into USDT here on Toobit. Read our How to Withdraw Crypto on Toobit guide for more information.
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