The live price of GMX is $ --(GMX/USDT)today with a current market cap of $ 271.63M. 24-hour trading volume is $ 14.32M, representing a 0.00% changes from one day ago. GMX is 0.00% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 9.54M USDT.
The highest price paid for GMX is -, which was recorded on - (almost -). Comparatively, the current price is - - lower than the all-time high price.
The lowest price paid for GMX is -, which was recorded on - (almost -). Comparatively, the current price is - - higher than the all-time low price.
GMX Market Information
Market Cap
24h Volume
Circulation Supply
GMX is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for trading perpetual cryptocurrency futures with up to 50X leverage on popular cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH and more. GMX is the utility and governance token. Accrues 30% of the platform's generated fees.
Are you looking for GMX Price? Live GMX price is updated in real-time on Toobit.
Where to Buy GMX?
You can buy GMX on some cryptocurrency exchanges. Choose one that suits you. You also can buy GMX on Toobit with USDT. Read our guide on How to Trade Spot on Toobit for more information.