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Ice Open NetworkICE


ICE 価格ライブデータ

Ice Open Network の今日のライブ価格は$--(ICE/USDT)であり、その現在の時価総額は$ --である。24時間の取引量は$s4%で、1日前と比較して0.00%変化しています。最後の24時間で、ICE%は0.00%%です。その循環供給はUSDT 21.15B です。
Ice Open Networkの最高値は-で、-(ほぼ-)に記録された。比較的、現在の価格は史上最高値より - - 低い。
Ice Open Networkの最安値は-で、-(ほぼ-)に記録された。比較的、現在の価格は史上最低価格より - - 高い。

ICE 市場情報










Ice Open Network (ION) は、高いスケーラビリティと高速トランザクション処理のために設計されたレイヤー 1 ブロックチェーンで、業界最速のブロックチェーンの 1 つであり、1 秒あたり数百万件のトランザクションを処理できます。彼らの使命は、数十億人のユーザーを Web2 から Web3 の膨大な機会に移行させることで、分散型の未来への道を切り開くことです。プライバシーとデータの所有権に重点を置き、ユーザーの自律性とセキュリティをデジタル進化の最前線に置く、安全で検閲に強いエコシステムの構築に取り組んでいます。


  • What is Ice Open Network

    Ice Open Network (ION) is a Layer 1 blockchain that stands out for its high scalability and lightning-fast transaction speeds, capable of processing millions of transactions per second. ION is dedicated to ushering in a decentralized future, facilitating the transition from Web2 to Web3 for billions of users. Prioritizing privacy, data ownership, and security, ION is focused on creating a censorship-resistant environment that promotes user autonomy, ensuring a safer digital landscape as the internet continues to evolve.
  • How to buy ICE

    To buy ICE, you can follow these general steps:

    1. Choose a cryptocurrency exchange and Create an Account
    Start by selecting a reputable and reliable cryptocurrency platform that supports ICE trading. You can also buy ICE here on Toobit. Sign up.

    2. Complete Verification (Not Mandatory):
    Read our How to Complete Identification on Toobit guide for more information.

    3. Deposit Funds:
    Deposit funds into your Toobit account. This could be done via credit/debit cards, or your crypto wallet.

    4. Navigate to ICE:
    Once your account is funded, navigate to the Markets section of the platform.

    5. Buy ICE:
    Locate ICE in the list of available cryptocurrencies.
    Place a buy order. Read our How to Buy Crypto on Toobit guide for more information.
  • How to Sell ICE?

    You can sell ICE to USDT here on Toobit. Read our guide on How to Trade Spot on Toobit for more information.
  • What is ICE price Now?

    Are you looking for ICE Price? Live ICE price is updated in real-time on Toobit.
  • How to Withdraw ICE on Toobit?

    You can withdraw ICE and other crypto tokens into USDT here on Toobit. Read our How to Withdraw Crypto on Toobit guide for more information.
  • The Journey from Launch to Market Validation

    In July 2023, Ice Open Network launched its revolutionary tap-to-mine app, which quickly gained global traction. The app attracted over 1 million users in the first week, and by seven months, the user base surged to 9 million. This rapid growth showcased the platform’s strong user engagement and technological prowess. The app's success played a pivotal role in the ICE token being listed on top global exchanges, a significant milestone that reflects the market's confidence in Ice Open Network’s future potential.
  • Ice Network Price Prediction Indicators

    Moving averages are widely used for Ice Network (ICE) price predictions, offering insights into the average price over a selected time period. For example, a 12-day simple moving average (SMA) sums ICE’s closing prices over the past 12 days, then divides by 12. Exponential moving averages (EMA), on the other hand, assign more weight to recent data, reacting faster to price movements.
    Key moving averages like the 50-day, 100-day, and 200-day help traders spot potential bullish or bearish trends. Other indicators, such as the RSI and Fibonacci retracement, complement moving averages for price forecasting.
  • How to read Ice Network charts and predict price movements?

    Most traders prefer candlestick charts for analyzing Ice Network (ICE) price action due to their detailed insights compared to simple line charts. Candlestick charts provide price movement data in specific time intervals, such as 5-minute, 1-hour, or weekly.
    Each candlestick reflects ICE’s opening, closing, high, and low prices within that period. For example, a 1-hour candlestick shows ICE’s performance over a single hour. Green candles indicate that the closing price was higher than the opening, while red candles reflect the opposite, signaling potential market trends.
  • What affects the price of Ice Network?

    Like other assets, Ice Network (ICE) price movements are driven by supply and demand dynamics, influenced by factors such as block reward halvings, protocol updates, or regulatory changes. Major events like exchange hacks or large-scale adoption can also impact ICE’s market value.
    Traders often track ""whales"", entities holding large amounts of ICE, as their actions can significantly sway the market, especially in smaller crypto ecosystems. Monitoring whale activity is crucial for making accurate ICE price predictions in this relatively new market.
24時間低: $0
24時間高: $0
上位 3 人の獲得者