
API3 Precio de datos en vivo

El precio en vivo de API3 es de $ --(API3/USDT)hoy con una capitalización de mercado actual de $ 74.05M. El volumen de operaciones en 24 horas es de $ 74.05M, lo que representa un -492.57% de cambios desde hace un día. El API3 es 0.00% en las últimas 24 horas. Tiene una oferta circulante de 86.42M USDT.
El precio más alto pagado por API3 es 10.30624803, que se registró el 2021-04-07 UTC (casi 4 años). Comparativamente, el precio actual es un disminución -91.68% inferior al precio máximo histórico.
El precio más bajo pagado por API3 es 0.7412480302716133, que se registró el 2025-02-03 UTC (casi 20 días). Comparativamente, el precio actual es un aumentar 15.59% superior al precio mínimo histórico.

API3 Información de mercado



Tapa del mercado


Volumen 24h


Suministro de circulación


Acerca de(API3)

El precio de API3 ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo desde su lanzamiento en diciembre. Los contratos inteligentes han tenido dificultades durante mucho tiempo para acceder a datos confiables, pero la introducción de API descentralizadas ha sido un cambio radical para la industria. API3 tiene como objetivo revolucionar la forma en que se crean, administran y monetizan versiones descentralizadas de API a escala. Con la tecnología blockchain ganando protagonismo en sectores como las finanzas descentralizadas y la gestión de la cadena de suministro, la necesidad de que los contratos inteligentes accedan a datos del mundo real de manera oportuna y confiable nunca ha sido más crucial. El informe técnico del proyecto, publicado en septiembre de 2020, destacó los problemas de conectividad actualmente asociados con las API y la creciente popularidad de los oráculos como solución. Sin embargo, la naturaleza centralizada de los oráculos ha llevado al surgimiento del "problema del oráculo de la cadena de bloques". API3 busca abordar este desafío al permitir que los proveedores de API operen sus propios nodos, reduciendo los costos y promoviendo la descentralización. Después de una exitosa venta de tokens que recaudó millones de dólares, el token de API3 ha ganado impulso en el mercado. A medida que la criptomoneda continúa innovando y brindando soluciones para el acceso a datos de contratos inteligentes, su futuro parece prometedor en la floreciente industria.

FAQ About API3

  • How to Buy API3?

    You can buy API3 here on Toobit with USDT. Read our guide on How to Buy Crypto on Toobit for more information.
  • What is API3 Price Now?

    Are you looking for API3 Price? Live API3 price is updated in real-time on Toobit.
  • Where to Buy API3?

    You can buy API3 with USDT on some cryptocurrency exchanges. Choose one that suits you. You also can buy API3 on Toobit with USDT. Read our guide on How to Trade Spot on Toobit for more information.
  • How does API3 work?

    By allowing API providers to operate their own nodes and eliminating the need for third-party oracles, API3 streamlines the process of connecting smart contracts with real-world data. The deployment of Airnode, a lightweight middleware, further enhances transparency and reduces transaction fees, making API3 a cost-effective and efficient solution for the cryptocurrency industry. API3 Price has been steadily increasing as more API providers and users recognize the benefits of its innovative approach to solving the Blockchain Oracle Problem.
  • What are the potential use cases for API3?

    API3 offers a wide range of potential use cases, particularly in sectors that heavily rely on real-time data. In the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, API3 plays a crucial role in providing accurate and up-to-date price data for various cryptocurrencies. This enables smart contracts to execute trades based on the most current market information. In supply chain management, API3 also plays a vital role by providing real-time data on product location, status, and other critical details. This allows smart contracts to automate various processes in the supply chain. The ability of API3 to provide direct connections between APIs and smart contracts opens up numerous possibilities for blockchain integration across various industries.
  • How does the performance of API3 price compare against its peers?

    With a notable price surge of 13.80% in the past week, API3 (API3) has demonstrated strong performance within the cryptocurrency market. This growth surpasses the overall market increase of 5.40%, as well as outshining similar Polygon Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, which have remained stagnant at 0.00%.
  • How Many API3 Coins Are There in Circulation?

    As of January 2020, Toobit data suggests that the price of API3 is $2.30 per token, with a total circulating supply of 13,847,549 API3 out of a maximum supply of 100 million tokens.

    15 million tokens have been distributed among pre-seed and seed investors, with a further 20 million tokens reserved for a public token distribution event that took place over the first two weeks of December. The founding team was allocated 30 million tokens, partners and contributors received 10 million tokens, and 25 million tokens went to an ecosystem fund.

    It is important to note that tokens sold during a public sale are unlocked, while seed investors and founders are subject to a vesting period of between two and three years.
  • What are some use cases for API3 crypto in the real world?

    Some potential use cases for API3 crypto include:

    Providing real-time price data for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications
    Supply chain tracking and verification
    Weather data for insurance applications
    Sports data for prediction markets
    IoT data for smart contract execution.
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